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Monday, September 26, 2016

"22 Jump Street"- Ba religion and antics

After the screening period, 21 Jump Street grossed more than $ 200 million in global sales, becoming one of the big hit in 2013 Understand the potential of this film line, Sony has decided to embark on now the second part production in March the same year.
On the side of the two directors, they believe buddy Schmidt – JENKO has left a lot of impressions on the movie buff, and it would be regrettable if their journey stop at “Number 21 Jump Street”. Not to mention, the relationship of the couple as well as Jonah Hill’s talent and Channing Tatum has not been fully exploited in part one. In part two, the relationship of the two will be folded pen to a “new level”. Also a familiar story, but with a new matter, maybe viewers will also get fun and new experiences? That’s the premise of the idea, motivate Phil and Christopher continued performance 22 Jump Street.
Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum – Couple “context” of the film
In this article, two “young buffalo” the police will have to change JENKO Schmidt and area of operation, since Jump Street Church of the 21 Koreans were acquired, so they have to move to Number 22 Jump Street, which is a … Vietnam abandoned church.
Under orders from his boss to play Dickson (Ice Cube plays), Schmidt and disguises JENKO must continue, this time they will “graduate” and become students, to dismantle trafficking networks, large-scale white goods … hiding in a college – MC State. Stories related to each other but not heard, it is also quite attractive!
Need to identify one thing, 22 Jump Street and the front of it is a film about school age borrows the “cop”, not films about “cop” borrowed school image. Regrets having to leave school, they infiltrated in part, will now be rewarded, by the aberration partying, pretty boys beautiful girls swaying to the music and … a car shaped hat protective giant rugby ….
In particular, Schmidt and milled in the right season JENKO Spring Break – Spring Break for students in the US. No longer encapsulated in the school campus as before, this time the two men he must prepare more immersive, “madness” more to suit the type of mentality typical lazy students. Beach, sexy girls dressed in “two-piece”, the beer foam and a variety of “grass”, … happy in school but who want to graduate this right?
Jonah Hill, “laughed the central tree” of the film is sure to make you satisfied. Just go to college, he had found a girl of your dreams, always leaving that he was puzzled friend Channing Tatum. There will be a segment that you can see in the map Schmidt character “young rebels”: dressed in black, heavy makeup and charming hair over his eyes. But Channing Tatum fans do not worry, because this guy then also kind enough to paint the people at the “aberration” welcome new students, the audience could not help laughing at the expression “do not support floating” from guy at first glance as if “serious youth” is.
In particular, there is an octopus in a car, where you do not misread, please emphasize that an octopus HAVE THE CAR! The reason why it is in it, say it or lose, just go to the movies, watch 22 Jump Street full movie then you will know.
22 Jump Street was released from the date 20.06.2014

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Jason Bourne - 2016

Here it is: Matt Damon’s fourth and not necessarily final outing as the CIA’s amnesiac super-assassin gone rogue, Jason Bourne. That’s after The Bourne Identity (2002), The Bourne Supremacy (2004) and The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) and not counting franchise spinoff The Bourne Legacy (2012) in which Bourne himself did not actually appear.

This latest iteration reunites Damon with director Paul Greengrass who as ever shows his mastery of muscular, deafening, frenetically edited action sequences - the visual equivalent of a drum-roll. Greengrass, who has co-written the film with his editor Christopher Rouse, whisks us to cities all over the world and the drama here culminates in an eye-poppingly spectacular finale in Las Vegas, whose skyline is dominated by the Trump hotel.

Bourne combines a hi-tech awareness of how he is being tracked by his former employers with a low-tech readiness to beat the living daylights out of assailants who get in his face – improvising with what’s available. He snaps off a table-leg to give someone what for, and even wrenches out the handle from a one-armed bandit in Vegas casino to disable the control panel in an elevator. Matt Damon has grown into the role: in some ways I’d rather see him as this bulked-up tough guy than the smirking and preposterous “botanist” he played in The Martian.

Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass: ‘We'll never say never again’
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As so often in the past, Jason is about to blow the cover on the “secret super-killer” operation of which he forms a part - the everyday uncontested business of super-killing is never the point. And as ever, the creepy and duplicitous agency chiefs are unsure whether to bring him in or rub him out. This new movie, being simply called Jason Bourne, perhaps indicates a kind of human summation, a drawing the line under the series – I remember Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky Balboa hinting at something similar.

Bourne is laying low, off-grid, apparently making a living on the bare knuckle fight circuit somewhere in southern and central Europe – kicking the ass of various tattooed Serbs for cash. Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) his longtime associate and quasi-romantic interest now makes a reappearance to get him to break cover and become her ally in a new Snowden-style whistleblowing – she is going to upload to the web all the files concerning “Treadstone” (his personal operation) and many other murky projects.

This catches the hooded eye of the careworn, cynical CIA director Robert Dewey, played by Tommy Lee Jones, who calls into play a brutal “asset” or assassin, played by the reliably hatchet-faced Vincent Cassel – the non-American casting subliminally signalling his basic inferiority to the apparent traitor Bourne. Meanwhile, Dewey has a brilliant and feline new subordinate, Heather Lee, played by Alicia Vikander, who argues that Bourne has to be persuaded to turn himself in, not whacked. Heather happens to be a college contemporary of Aaron Kalloor (Riz Ahmed) who is the Zuckerberg-style genius running a social media platform called Deep Dream, which may or may not be assisting the US intelligence services with wholesale data-mining and privacy-breaching.

And at the centre of all this, Bourne is coming closer to uncovering a terrible personal truth about the death of his father in the late 90s: an agency man that Jason has always believed had a quiet desk job far from the front line.

Since the Bourne franchise was introduced at the beginning of the last decade, re-inventing Robert Ludlum’s 80s hero in the middle of the war on terror, he has been an ambiguous figure ideologically. A robust patriot and man of action who is also dissident and rebellious. Bourne started off by making James Bond look a bit square – the same initials were tweaking the Brit spy’s nose – but Bourne was himself then made to seem macho and outmoded by Claire Danes’s complex, cerebral performance in TV’s Homeland, while 007 himself appeared to be re-invigorated with new infusions of style and wit.

Riz Ahmed: ‘You don’t need to tell me we live in scary times. I’m Muslim’
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The Snowden/social media plotline of this film does a bit to make Bourne more relevant. But the ingredients are basically the same. Each souped-up action scene and punch-up has an extra level of digital sophistication: the participants are often wearing earpieces and it is all being watched over by a mission-control team at Langley, Virginia – like the guys at Houston monitoring the progress of an Apollo moon mission. They have, to use the jargon, “eyes on” what is happening, using pictures from drones, or cameras on their operatives, or hacked feed from local CCTV.

Is that pure fantasy? The famous photo of President Obama and his team witnessing the killing of Osama Bin Laden makes these scenes more credible – but in Bourne they are more fancifully imagined in semi-darkness, lit by a glitzy array of screens, with people urgently shouting to each other, as if in a gallery directing a live TV show.

Basically, Bourne comes alive when in a tensely professional, platonic relationship with a woman – and that is Vikander’s Heather. There are the makings of a spark there. But it comes very late on. Matt Damon’s testosterone goes on for ever. Perhaps it really is time for Jason to hang up his Glock and give someone else a chance. Surely Alicia Vikander deserves a go at being an action heroine?

Link movie : Jason Bourne (2016)

Actor: Alicia Vikander, Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, Tommy Lee Jones

Xmovies8 team!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Now You See Me 2

The Four Horsemen resurface and are forcibly recruited by a tech genius to pull off their most impossible heist yet.

Director: Jon M. Chu
Writers: Ed Solomon,Ed Solomon,Peter Chiarelli,Boaz Yakin,Edward Ricourt
Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Daniel Radcliffe, Jay Chou, Lizzy Caplan, Morgan Freeman


xmovies8 team!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why Does Good Guy Captain America Go Bad?

Why Does Good Guy Captain America Go Bad?

Marvel writer Nick Spencer explains to the fans the reasons why he turns Captain America, Steve Rogers into a supervillain.

“I’m the most hated man in America today,” laughs Nick Spencer on the release date of Captain America: Steve Rogers #1. “And Donald Trump is running for president!
*Spoiler Warning!

Spencer's work now became a hotly debating topic. The first episode of the new Captain America series has revealed Steve Rogers is a secret agent of Hydra, a extremely shocking twist and earned the writer accusations of everything from anti-Semitism to soft homophobia (for giving Steve a dual identity rather than a boyfriend).
Although he didn't expect the objections as well as hashtag #SayNoToHYDRACap, Spencer really wants to trigger outrage: “When you decide to do something like this, you understand obviously that people aren’t gonna throw you a party for it,” he says. “You understand that this is the kind of story designed to upset people and shock people and worry people. That’s the response you’re supposed to have to something like this, when you’re seeing a bad thing.”
At the end of the issue, the first solo of Captain America in Marvel’s “All-New, All-Different” reboot, we learn that Sarah, Cap's mother, is taken to the predecessor organization of Hydra in 1926, by a woman who saved her from her abusive husband.
This relationship has showed it dark side, when Steve, back in the present day, pushes his sidekick Jack Flag out of an airplane, even though he knows it means killing Jack. And in the last frame, Steve turns back, utters those dreaded words: “Hail Hydra.”
Captain America, the symbol of honor, sacrifice and freedom, now has become one of the most evil villains unexpectedly, which he has hidden for more than 75 years. Unlike other twists, according to Spencer, this fact can not be dissolved within the span of one story arc, or in the next few months.
“This is something that is gonna have a profound effect on the Marvel universe,” he says. “I’ve seen a lot of people say things like, ‘Oh, it’ll be wrapped up in the arc,’ or ‘Give it six months.’ And I can tell you, that’s not the case. This has real lasting repercussions that are gonna be with us for a while.”
The Daily Beast talked to Spencer about why he had Steve break bad, how the twist will reconcile with the character’s legacy (and that of its Jewish creators), and his response to fans’ outrage.
First off, are you OK? A lot of vitriol is going your way online. You're a trending topic!
(Laughs.) No, I love this stuff. I feed off it, it’s totally fine. It’s looking like it’s gonna be a no. 1 trending topic here in a second. I’m the most hated man in America today and Donald Trump is running for president!
I was surprised by the sheer magnitude of the response. I can’t remember the last time something that happened in comics upset quite this many people.
When you decide to do something like this, you understand obviously that people aren't gonna throw you a party for it. You understand that this is the kind of story designed to upset people and shock people and worry people. That’s the response you’re supposed to have to something like this, when you’re seeing a bad thing. So, yeah, this is certainly the kind of response I expected, but in terms of the magnitude of it and just how many people are chiming in, that part’s unreal. That surpassed any expectation that I had.
I think it just comes down to [the fact that] this character, particularly since the movies, has really exploded in popularity. Obviously he represents a lot to a lot of people. They’re emotionally invested, which is good. The worst thing that could have happened today is people shrugging, or even being reasonable. That would’ve said that we didn’t stick the landing on it. So this is what we wanted, we just have even more of it than we imagined.
What sorts of discussion with Marvel went into this? I read your editor Tom Brevoort said this twist had been in the works ever since Sam Wilson: Captain America #1.
Yeah, we’ve been holding onto this for about 16 months now, so it’s been well over a year that we’ve been keeping this under wraps. And that was a hugely gratifying thing, especially in the last couple of months as we started work on the issue. There’s an artist drawing it [Jesús Saiz] and a letterer [Joe Caramagna], and you start to worry because obviously the book is getting passed through a lot of hands and there’s something tangible out there that can get leaked. So yeah, I mean all the credit in the world goes to Tom and everyone at Marvel, they really went above and beyond to keep a lid on this. They took a lot of special measures that we’ve never had before—and it worked! We managed to keep this until it started leaking out last night, which was inevitable because that’s when the book started arriving at various places. But yeah, it was a big success. I was really surprised. I thought for sure it would be ruined.
Was there ever resistance from Marvel to the idea?
It’s a really funny thing, there was not an enormous amount of debate about the story. We do our creative retreats and this was a major subject at both of the last two. And honestly, that was a little surreal for me as well. Everybody seemed really into the idea and really supportive. I know that I went into the first [retreat] really expecting to have to fight for it and for there to be pushback, and there was very little. We had a luxury though, I could lay out the whole story for them. What everybody got today is obviously just sort of an opening chapter. I was able to kind of explain the whole thing and put it all into context. I’m as excited about this story as anything I’ve ever done in comics. I think we’re onto something here. And certainly in the room it seemed to go over well and that’s always a really encouraging sign.
Where did this new idea come from and why did a change of this magnitude feel necessary for the series?
It almost happened by chance, really. Rick Remender was the previous writer on the book and when I took over, he had had some plotlines that were outstanding. Tom ran through them with me, and one of them was that Hydra had infiltrated all the various teams and organizations in the Marvel universe and we were gonna be weeding out the various Hydra clans. And, to be honest, at the time, I had just gotten the Captain America assignment and that story really felt like an event. I felt like it was maybe a little too big for me at that point, and that wasn’t something they would want me to do.
So I started to kind of drill it down a bit and I started wondering, what if there’s just one Hydra plant? What if they think they’re looking for a hundred people and it turns out there’s just one really good one? And if there’s just one really good Hydra plant, who would that be? Within a second, I realized that Steve was by far the person who could do the most damage. He’s the leader of the Avengers, he has a relationship with the U.S. government, and he works closely with SHIELD. Not to mention just his status in the Marvel universe—he’s a symbol, everyone trusts him, everybody looks to him as an authority.
One of the first things most people will probably think is, “But hasn’t he spent the last 75 years fighting Hydra?” How do you reconcile the twist with the character’s history?
I can’t say a lot on that front, but what I can say is that that is not a huge point of concern in the story. That question will be answered, at least for the most part, in the next issue. That wasn’t something that we wanted to drag out. We wanted to make that stuff as clear as we could upfront. So now that we’ve gotten the big surprise, we’re going to go back and explain some things to you so that you, as a reader, have a much clearer vantage point. But your vantage point may differ greatly from the characters in the Marvel universe.
There’s a lot of uproar online about how this storyline insults the legacies of Captain America’s Jewish creators, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon.
Look, everybody who’s working on this story loves Captain America. I know that it may not seem like it today. But this book is edited by Tom Brevoort, who has been protecting this character’s legacy for a very long time now. He’s not gonna let me do anything that he thinks is going to endanger that character’s legacy and how the character is perceived. It’s always difficult when you’re at this point in a story, because you don’t just wanna tell people, “Everything’s gonna work out great!” Because that certainly may not be the case here. But what I think I can say with confidence is that with this story, our intention and our hope is that in its own unique way, it reinforces what everybody already knows about Captain America, which is his power as a symbol and what that means. We are approaching it from a different angle, but I think it illuminates the character in a way that we’ve never seen before.
It’s always tough. The eternal divide is the reader wants the character to succeed, to be happy, to win. Our job is often to put the characters through things and that can often be mistaken for a lack of respect or care for the character. It’s just the reality of what draws people into these stories, whether you realize it or not, and this is going to be a major test for a lot of characters in the Marvel universe.
The resurgent Hydra that Red Skull is pulling together seems to share a lot of parallels with Trump's “Make America Great Again” campaign. It’s xenophobia and anti-political correctness. What went into forming his recruitment platform?
What I think I can say about this, is one of the later conceptions of the story was “what if the new Hydra is a blank?” We wanted to kind of get away from the green and yellow costumes and the doomsday machines and things like that and really reconnect with what the organization has at its sort of moral core.
We’ve obviously seen a lot of growth in white supremacist organizations and extreme nationalist groups in the U.S., certainly over the last eight years. And so I had to do the ugly research of what’s drawing folks into those groups. What’s driving recruitment? The Skull speech is a slightly sanitized version of that stuff. It’s been a little interesting hearing people say, “Oh, he’s taking political shots.” We’ve done that kind of thing, where we used a lot of topical language in stories with varying degrees of sincerity. This was a little different. I was looking at something else when I came to this. If people see those things as similar, it’s not my place to say. (Laughs.)
There’s this moment where, through the character of Robbie, we get an on-the-ground account of how radicalization of disenfranchised young people works. What did you mean to highlight by outlining Robbie’s journey from poverty to addiction to Hydra?
Getting back to what I was saying before about what a new Hydra would look like and getting away from the previous trappings, I wanted to make them interesting. I wanted us to kind of understand where this endless supply of bodies that Hydra always has comes from. And why someone would sign up for the gig. It became pretty clear that that wasn’t going to be a supervillain screaming at the top of his lungs about how he was gonna take over the world and everybody was gonna bow to him. Instead, they would need to see some potential self-interest gain from working in Hydra. It’s probably a pretty good paycheck because it’s a dangerous job.
So again, when looking at various hate groups and what drew those people in, these are the kinds of things you see a lot. A lot of times they’re recruiting in areas that are economically depressed, they’re recruiting people who don't have a lot of education or opportunity, who could gain from employment and having future prospects. We [in the U.S.] have a lot of people like that. It’s kind of a miracle that we don't have more of this stuff. So I wanted to bring the camera in close on one of them and give you an idea of who’s filling these rooms of people that SHIELD’s fighting against. I think it makes for a stronger dynamic. It presents SHIELD with some new problems that they’ve never really had to deal with before.
What should we be reading into Eric Selvig’s expression there at the end? Was he in cahoots with Cap?
I know, he looks a little dark, doesn't he? He looks a little creepy. (Laughs.) That’s a good observation. Good thing to keep in your back pocket for future issues.
Have you been watching the #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend campaign unfold?
Yeah. I think the only thing I can say there is it speaks to people’s passion for the character. Which probably isn’t much of an answer, but people strongly identify with these characters, they’re strongly invested in these characters’ lives, and I think that this is a reflection of that energy.
What can we expect from the story going forward?
I would tell everybody to take the solicits and stuff that are out there with a real grain of salt. (Laughs.) We had to embellish somewhat so that nobody would get suspicious. What I think I can say to folks that might help them visualize where the story is going is that this is not so much a story about what has come before as it is about what comes next. The story is not Steve’s past, it’s Steve’s future.
So we’ve established that Captain America is Hydra. That is a huge moment in the Marvel universe, regardless of when it came to be or how it came to be. What that means in terms of the doors that are open to Steve, what he can do, and what he chooses to do with that power is what remains to be seen. But the thing that I can say is it’s a huge story I really can’t believe that they’re letting me do.

This is something that is gonna have a profound effect on the Marvel universe. I’ve seen a lot of people say things like, “Oh, it’ll be wrapped up in the arc,” or “Give it six months.” And I can tell you, that’s not the case. This has real lasting repercussions that are gonna be with us for a while.

#Captain America

Monday, February 15, 2016

Deadpool (2016)

A former Special Forces operative turned mercenary is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopting the alter ego Deadpool.

Director: Tim Miller
Writers: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick 
Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller 

Full Movie On : Deadpool 2016

Fun facts about Deadpool

Deadpool looks like DC's legendary assassin known as Deathstroke. He is actually “a humorous version” of a super warrior. 

Deadpool appeared in “New Mutants #98” in Feb 1991 for the first time. 

Deadpool are called by various names such as Jack, Rhodes, Corpus, Lopez, Hobgoblin , Peter Parker and Thom Cruz.

In Deadpool Classic Vol. 6, Loki puts a curse for Wade Wilson that people will leave him because they think he is famous. After being confused with Thom Cruise for months, Wilson finally breaks the curse and reconciled with his father.

Deadpool is able to cure all kinds of diseases thanks to the support of Weapon X programs. He almost cannot be killed; can revive the limbs and still survive despite being beheaded if his body is returned.

Besides the ability to heal and fencing, Deadpool is a skilled wrestler.

Deadpool is a fan of the Star Trek series. As he once told T'Challa (Black Panther): "I have every episode of Star Trek."

Deadpool used to fight with Sherlock Holmes and Mulan. In the Killustrated Deadpool series, Deadpool goes to Ideaverse and destroy all fictional literary character there. Holmes and Watson use the time machine H.G. Wells to track and fight Deadpool via the support of Beowulf and Mulan.

In Cable & Deadpool # 2, Wade Wilson describes his appearance as a strange Ryan Reynolds. Five years later, Ryan Reynolds play Deadpool role in X - Men Origins: Wolverine.

Deadpool often makes jokes, tease humorous question in most unexpected situations, such as when Spider-man warned him about the traps (booby traps).

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Secret in Their Eyes (2015)

A tight-knit team of rising investigators, along with their supervisor, is suddenly torn apart when they discover that one of their own teenage daughters has been brutally murdered.

Director: Billy Ray
Writers: Billy Ray (screenplay), Juan José Campanella
Stars: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts 

Full Movie  On : Click

The Break-In (2015)

Kristy wanted to have a nice romantic night with her boyfriend Nate. Little does she know they aren't alone. Little do they know that someone is about to break in.

Director: Marcus Slabine
Writer: Marcus Slabine
Stars: Victoria Grace, Erich Rausch, Paul Sheehan

Full Movie On : Click

The Choice (2016)

Travis Shaw is a vet, living in small coastal town Beaufort, falls in love on his first meeting with Gabby Holland, who moves in next door. Gabby is a med student who is in a relationship with a fellow doctor.

Director: Ross Katz
Writers: Bryan Sipe (screenplay), Nicholas Sparks (novel)
Stars: Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer, Alexandra Daddario 

Full Movie On : Click

Cabin Fever (2016)

A group of five friends are terrorized at their getaway cabin. A remake of the 2002 film, 'Cabin Fever'.

Trailler 1

Trailler 2

Director: Travis Zariwny
Writers: Randy Pearlstein (script), Randy Pearlstein
Stars: Gage Golightly, Matthew Daddario, Nadine Crocker

Full Movie On : Click

2 Guns: Zero Tolerance (2015)

Johnny and Peter, former paramilitary operatives, search Bangkok - leaving carnage in their wake - to find the men who killed Johnny's daughter, Angel.

Director: Wych Kaosayananda
Writer: Wych Kaosayananda
Stars: Dustin Nguyen, Scott Adkins, Sahajak Boonthanakit

Full Movie On : Click